

waktu gw kecil, gw slalu punya cita2 jadi SPIDER-MAN. you can laugh, but it's the truth. bahkan mungkin sebagian dari lo juga pengen jadi superhero kesukaan lo siapapun dia.. knp gw pengen begitu? why not? isn't cool? all the powers. all the fame.

cuman gays, sebenernya there's more than meets the eye lho ttg ke-superhero-an. it's about responsibility juga. inget film Spiderman? Great powers comes great responsibility. that's true. bukan cuman tanggung jawab deh. g jarang gw liat superhero nyelamatin hidup2 orang. klo hidup gw bisa gitu, menurut gw hidup kayak gitu lebih brarti man.

seiring gw tambah gede, gw punya cita2 yang lebih rasional. gw pengen jadi dokter. walo tanpa superpowers, gw tetep bisa nyelametin hidup banyak orang. gitu pikir gw. bukan cuman dokter yang merupakan superhero. menurut gw semua profesi adalah superhero in their own special way. guru? namany aja pahlawan. has the power of knowledge. pemadam kebakaran? wah ini lebih konkret lagi. bayangin brp orang bisa selamat dari kebakaran karna dislamatin mreka.

it's about making your life more useful to others. the true powerful one doesn't told people to do something for him(/her) but he helps. see my point? i believe that everyone is a superhero.

that's why today, i change the name of my blog to "SUPERHERO" so then everyone can know that they are all heroes.

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